Austin Marital Property Division Lawyer

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Austin Marital Property Division Attorney

The Vaught Law Firm is committed to helping clients in Austin and throughout Central Texas find effective solutions to property division matters. We ensure our clients are treated equitably, and work hard to find solutions that minimize anxiety and the impact a divorce has on you and your children.


Separate Property and Tracing

Property a spouse brought to the marriage is considered his or her own separate property, unless there is evidence the property was converted to community property. Courts cannot award a spouse’s separate property to the other spouse as part of a divorce division.

Establishing the character of property as separate or community can be a very involved process, and is known as tracing. This process requires evidence of the origin of the property and must be traced to the present by clear and convincing evidence. It is sometimes difficult to find this type of evidence without the help of a trained professional. At the Vaught Law Firm in Austin, Texas, our Austin Marital Property Division Lawyer use the services of forensic accountants and other financial experts to trace property characterization and provide the evidence necessary to obtain the separate or community classification.

High-Asset Divorce and Marital Property

The characterization of assets as community or separate property is even more important in high net worth situations where the marriage took place after one spouse had already accumulated significant assets. We have the experience, credentials, and history of success you need to guide you through property characterization and all other aspects of high-asset divorce.


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